Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Congratulations to AKB48

Another big achievement was made by the girls. Their latest single, Flying Get, was able to reach approximately 1.3 M plus for the first week of their release.

Well, I kinda don't like the single but I really do think that they deserve this.


There's no need to be shock though. It's AKB after all x]

Sunday, August 28, 2011

Fairies- new promotional CMs.

So, Vision Factory's Fairies is going to release their debut single soon and CMs are really good ways to promote the group. Well, for me, I really like them. They're all younger than me but they dance too well. 

Big Wishes for their success. May they become someone as big as AKB48. Oh well, I know it's a little impossible though.

Will Kis-my-ft2 make it big in Asia? This is the promotion I want.

So, Aparrently, all of us already knows about Kis-my-ft2's debut. Well, I'm just too proud and happy for them for making their debut so successful. But at the same time, I'm a little disappointed on why Johnny's never promote Hey Say JUMP this way. Well, of course, Avex makes wonders.

Kisumai is also topping in the charts here in the Philippines which a little uplifting. They have been on the charts since last week and in no time, their single will also be released here in no tome soon.

weee...JUMP's there as well.
Okay. Pretty impressive.

Kisumai also announced a nationwide tour next spring. They'll also have an Asia Tour including Thailand, Honkong and other more countries. How I wish, Philippines would also be on the list of destinations. I won't be shock if they'll have a concert here though, they already released their single here, so why not have a concert, right ? =]

Saturday, August 27, 2011

I am so sad.

I am so sad with what's happening with this blog now. 

I am losing all my readers. Sorry for being so unupdated.
From now on, I'll try my very best to keep this blog updated, just like how it is before. 

I hope I'll be able to get this blog working again.


Saturday, August 13, 2011

A heavy Smoker

Can you believe it? That our deary beloved Sakurai Sho is a heavy smoker? YES. He DO smokes but... a HEAVY smoker? NAH

Well, for the Japanese men, it's so normal. I mean, he's already at that point of your life where you feel like doing things like that. He's already old enough to handle himself. But it's just that, he's too cool to be called aaa heavy smoker. I know, I know, that was kinda a biased statement. TEE HEE.

And BY THE WAY, Why is JE so fired with smoking talents nowadays. Ryutaro's one of them. T.T 

But Sho's case is different, the agency is claiming that the manager is the one who used it and not Sho. Anyway, I still love them and forever will.


Saturday, August 6, 2011


YES. this is still part of my sister's project. so, just don't mind these posts. kay?

my sister's project

my sister's project. i need to help her make it so I decided to upload the pictures of these girls, who are her members. xD